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10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

Oct 18, 2021


It’s been a while since I've done a lil intro, and I’ve had a few new people join. Thought I’d welcome you all in, so we can get to know each other a little better. Thanks for joining the Charlotte Beswick family 💕 ⁣

Here goes...

1. My sense of humour is the kind where I laugh more at my own jokes than other people do - I am completely ok with laughing at myself, it’s fun 🤣⁣

2. I am the youngest of 4! I’m the only one who flew the nest at 16 and has lived away for 11 years.⁣ My sister is my best friend and soul-sister (I won big with that one)

3. I’m terrible at spelling and grammar if you are the grammar police - I’m probably not for you.

4. I’m crazy obsessed with self-development, I'm always enrolling in courses and learning from coaches and mentors. Deep Dive into all the spiritual woo woo is my JAM! ⁣

5. I haven’t watched TV or the News for 6 years, I don’t miss it one bit, it was the best decision I made for my mental health.⁣

6. I have a purple belt in kickboxing from when I was 20, I haven't done it in a really long time.

7. I come up with strange words sometimes, I reckon I could create a lil old dictionary 'Lotties Made Up Shit' 🤣

8. I've gone through 3 big spiritual awakenings in the past 11 years - it wasn't fun - they all nearly broke me, but they were worth it!⁣ 🦭

9. I say fuck way more than I probably should, sometimes it just slips out, if that offends you, I’m probably not for you 🧐⁣

10. I hate washing my hair, if I could never wash it again I would be the happiest person alive, #dryshampoo for the WIN!⁣

11. I may be a coach, reiki practitioner and spiritual AF but if you pick on my sister, I will HUNT YOU DOWN and use said purple belt.

Ok so 11...

I believe life is short, live it! Don't try and pretend to be someone you’re not. Be you! The world needs you.

Tell me, can you relate to any of these?

Surely I'm not alone...🤷‍♀️

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