




Client DP




“50 words isn’t enough to explain how much Charlotte has changed my path. I have been struggling with my health and in turn every aspect of my life, for the past 10 years. I have spent thousands of dollars on diets, programs, pills, shakes, teas, PT’s, psychologists, psychiatrists you name it. Charlotte is the most patient, inspiring and relatable person I have ever met in my life. If I could afford to pay her to move to the other side of Australia and coach all the important people in my life I would do it in a bloody heartbeat! Because everybody NEEDS to have a blessing like Charlotte. To ground you, motivate you and help you on your path to become the happiest, healthiest YOU. I hands down could not name a better role model.”

Client DP



“In the world of social media, you often hear the words “life-changing” used to describe experiences people have had and while losing my Dad was, I honestly didn’t expect working with Charlotte such an experience. I am still in awe of how she is able to guide me in such a kind, genuine and compassionate way to dig deep to find the belief systems and past experiences that are now affecting my thoughts and actions. With coaching, she opens my eyes to the validity of these beliefs and teaches me how to apply a new truth, the real truth so I can live a better life. There are very few people on this planet that I can say have seen the real me and almost immediately I knew I could share who I really am with Charlotte. I have never once second-guessed the decision to be completely honest and vulnerable with her. The skills I am learning are already making my life more joyful. After each session, I feel like I can conquer the world and live the best life possible! Working with Charlotte has been one of the best decisions I have made and I encourage anyone who needs some support and guidance to please consider becoming a client because I know you won’t regret it.

Charlotte you are blessed with a gift to help people and thank you for being someone who has been “life-changing” for me.”


Client DP




“After taking a week to reflect on the coaching session that I had last week with Charlotte, I have learned that her kind voice, humble answers and techniques truly fill the days with so much value. The first couple days were filled with the mental high of excitement for and of the future. The next few were pushing through using the tools that she left me with and I was able to keep the voices at bay and still kept her voice in my head when there was a struggle. The last day I hit a wall, the usual wall that comes when the stress settles in, walking through a parking lot trying to walk myself through what I needed to do to get through the day and I found myself stopping in the middle of the road taking the biggest breath of my life and saying “stop”. Breathing out I was able to found myself with the feeling I could get through anything and the voice “ yes I can do this, and I can do it well”. Charlotte is truly able to ground your soul if it’s wandering in a direction that might not serve you to be the best it can be. She pushes you to come past your comfort zone to be the best version of yourself and to see a future where each day is filled with a true form of happiness. Thank you.”

Client DP




“Charlotte has a magical way of organizing and making sense of all of the things I talk about during our talks. It’s been amazing to have her help me focus on weekly goals and realize what is working and not working for me to help me achieve them. I’ve noticed that I’ve been calmer about everything in general. I’m exercising more and having fun doing it. Usually, my husband and I would spend any free time going out to eat. We are now cooking at home more and having fun doing it. We’ve also been using our free time to go on different hikes around town! Her suggestions and observations have provided me an ability to bring more effective prioritization regarding my efforts in tackling my goals. I’m so glad I’m doing this!!!!”

Client DP



Lisa's Testimonial Screenshot

Client DP




“Having Charlotte in my life for the past 7 weeks has transformed my thinking. Muddling through life and sifting through my own thoughts towards life’s issues alone without some gentle guidance can put you on that slippery slope of getting nowhere and having the same results year after year. Charlotte opens my eyes to view things a little differently, which then challenges me to question my old ways of acting and thinking.

Charlotte has a fresh way to guide me, setting weekly goals that encourage me to stay on track and to be accountable for my thoughts. Charlotte is a true gift to all, her professionalism authenticity loving and kind approach has brought more peace into my world within only a few short weeks and I would highly recommend Charlotte's coaching to anyone with stumbling blocks in their life”

Client DP




“Charlotte is an incredible coach. I’ve worked with her for a month now after trying out a reiki session. She has given me tools to bring my energy back which I’ve lost as a mom of 2 business owner. She’s supportive, so kind, so understanding, asks all the right questions and holds me accountable without giving me too much pressure. By the end of the month I have done something that I wouldn’t have done with her emotional and motivational support. I continue to work on my confidence and reach more goals with her help. Thank you so much Charlotte and I can’t wait to continue working on self love this coming month!!”

New 1-1 Coaching Testimonial
New 1-1 Coaching Testimonial 2
Client DP




"My time with Charlotte has been transformational and life-changing. Charlotte is an incredible coach with incredible gifts.

I achieved all the goals I set for my six months with Charlotte, but the most significant transformation was my relationship with myself.

Through Charlottes coaching, I was able to uncover limiting beliefs that had kept me stagnant for years. I was paralysed with procrastination, I had a beautiful vision for my life, but I could never get into action to achieve anything. I would start reading a book and never finish it; I would listen to podcasts and never implement anything; I would buy a course and quit halfway, all in hopes of a better reality but constantly being held back by my ego ā€œkeeping me safeā€.

It was through my work with Charlotte that I received the best gift of allā€¦.awareness. Charlotte has an amazing ability to help bring your shadows into the light, to see your stories for what they are, to recognise your triggers and work through them and now I have all of these tools to be my own coach.

I can take the teachings from Charlotte and apply them to achieve anything in my life. I believe we are capable of all that we desire when we can get out of our heads and get into our hearts.

In six months, Charlotte was able to show me the path I had spent years searching for. All the books, podcasts and courses couldnā€™t compare to having Charlotte in my pocket over these past months, and Iā€™ll be forever grateful for her wisdom, guidance and coaching.

Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world Charlotte."

Client DP



"Dear Charlotte,

I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help and guidance over this past year. I can't believe where I was at the start of the year to where I am now. I said in my last session with you over, I can't believe I've manifested and created my dream life.

I felt a very strong pull to reach out and work with you at the start of the year, and had no idea where it would lead me... But I'm so grateful I took the leap. For a very long time I felt I was stuck in a perpetual loop of the same situations, & people happening over and over and I desperately wanted to feel freedom in all respects to my life. There was a stuck energy and I could get out. Now fast forward to December wow I'm in such a different space. I've landed my dream job, toxic situations and people fell away from my life, I'm speaking up now, got rid of old beliefs that were hindering my growth and I'm being unapologetic me which is so freeing.

Over the past 9 months you've held the space for me so beautifully as I broke down (many times)šŸ˜…faced very hard situations and learnings as they came up (and they were painful!), and left a job that was destroying my confidence, and shed many old beliefs and labels that were ingrained in me since I was young. I also learnt to see situations from different perspectives from your teachings which has allowed me to not hold onto things not serving me.

I felt comforted through you just being there, but also felt deeply supported through the Reiki, breathwork and coaching sessions.

You've taught me various tools that I'll remember forever and I get to take away and utilise when facing challenging situations.

I felt I was living in a prison, in my mind and in EDT sense of the wood and now I feel the most freedom I've felt in a very long time and that's thanks to you Charlotte.

You are a living angel, your gifts are extraordinary and and I'm so pleased I took the plunge to work with you all those months ago. You've changed my life in so many ways and from the bottom of my heart I will always be so grateful for support, teachings and guidance."



Client DP




“Last week I had distance reiki with Charlotte and at first I was sceptical that it would work but it was an absolutely amazing experience. I felt immediate peace and allowed Charlotte to do her work. I’m very grateful to have had this experience and will be adding Charlotte and reiki to my healing journey. ā¤ļø”

Client DP



"My reiki session with Charlotte was amazing! She is such a gift and I highly recommend her services on your journey. If I had any reservations about my healing being virtual I didn’t need to, the energy I felt from the moment I lay down was literally full body tingles. Your healing is made even more powerful by Charlotte being an intuitive and I could feel her tapped right into my aura. If you’ve been led to Charlotte and her services don’t hesitate, she is incredible xo"

Lisa Review
Leah Review
Reiki Client Review
Reiki Client Review


Testimonial 1
Testimonial 2


Testimonial 1
Testimonial 2
Testimonial 3
Testimonial 4
Testimonial 5
Testimonial 6
Testimonial 7
Testimonial 8
Testimonial 9
Testimonial 10
Testimonial 11


Client DP




“I recently attended Charlotte’s fireside chat at my sisters house and joined one of her confidence seminars. The topics she touched on really hit home and I knew I’d benefit from one on one coaching. I cannot believe how she has changed my mindset in just two sessions. I already feel far less anxious and I have learnt ways to stop overthinking which has been a massive problem for me for 15 years! But the best thing of all, is that she has made me realise that I am good enough and worthy of everything I want to achieve in life. It’s such a wonderful feeling which I can’t thank her enough for.”

Client DP



“I met Charlotte at a “Fireside Chat” that my friend hosted at her Condo. There was a group of about 10 women all with different journey’s and experiences in our lives so far. Charlotte asked us to put aside all of the other things and people in our lives, and focus, for the length of the session, on just ourselves. I’ve been processing many changes in my life over the past year and while I’ve come far, focusing fully on me proved to be difficult. I’ve been working with Charlotte every two weeks since. She doesn’t tell you what you should do. She asks the all right questions so that you can be honest and answer those questions for yourself. Charlotte has helped me feel empowered to choose calm in my life which has, as a result, enabled me to break negative habits that prevent me from being the best version of myself. I’m so glad I met her and decided alter my outlook and make myself a priority.”

Client DP



“I had the opportunity to attend Charlottes Zoom Confidence workshop and it was amazing. It was easy to follow and broken down into such simple steps. I took away so many tips and tricks that I have been using for the last week and I already have had such a shift in my mindset. I am making decisions easier and able to keep myself more in the present. Thank you Charlotte so much. I am going to be my most confident self xxx”

Client Testimonials - Workshop 16
Client Testimonials - Workshop 17
Client Testimonials - Workshop 18


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