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A list of your priorities

Aug 16, 2021

I cried 😥😔 ⁣

I asked this in 5 different workshops! ⁣

Not one person put themselves down. ⁣They didn't make the list.

5 different groups. Yes, 5! Over 50 women. Not one of them listed themselves as a priority in their life. ⁣

But it's pretty much the norm when I'm speaking to women. Especially when it comes to their growth and development. It isn't a priority. ⁣😥

They aren't a priority. ⁣

If that's you, you may be so worried and concerned that you have to give give give. That giving to yourself is selfish. That you HAVE to give to others first. (people-pleasers hands up 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ yep that's me too) ⁣

Please know... putting you first doesn't mean you are selfish. It means others get the best of you, not what's left of you. ⁣

In order to give the best of you, give to you first. I promise you, this will improve your life in ways you have never imagined. Your relationships improve, your friendships improve, everything improves.

Some suggestions for making you a priority this week - ⁣

1. Set your alarm for 10mins earlier than usual, have some time to breathe, drink a coffee, write down your thoughts. ⁣

2. Say no to something this week and claim some time back for you. Yep, that big word... NO. Use it. It's not a bad word. ⁣

3. Schedule something you want to do in your diary, make space for it. ⁣

Hit me below people-pleasers, which one can you do this week? 🙌🙌

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