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Bikini Body

Dec 29, 2020

Do you want a bikini body?⁣⁣ 👙
For so long I bought into the crap on the media about getting a bikini body. ⁣⁣
I had to look a certain way to wear a bikini. The magazines pointed me to bikini body in 6 weeks, beach body in 30 days, get 6 pack abs in time for summer, 4 weeks to a beach body etc. etc. ⁣⁣
Striving for that false 'bikini body’ kept me on a diet, over-exercising, pushing myself to limits and being unhappy with my body for too long.

The truth, I was losing the same weight over and over again. To put it back on again and again and I STILL hated my body. No matter how much weight I lost, no matter how close I thought I got to that look in a magazine or on social media, I was STILL unhappy.⁣⁣
Don’t let society, the media, or the mean voice inside your head dictate that you SHOULDN’T wear a bikini because of your body.⁣⁣
Qualifying factors for a bikini body.⁣⁣
A body + a bikini – no matter your shape, size or weight! ⁣⁣👙
Get a bikini, put it on your body, go to beach. End of bikini body story.⁣⁣👙
Love your body.⁣⁣
Love yourself⁣⁣, and no matter what, don’t let anyone or anything convince you that you shouldn’t wear a bikini! 💕

You live once, so start living. ⁣⁣#wearthebikini

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