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Celebrating You🥳

Apr 03, 2023
Charlotte Beswick with her husband in a white dress in a forest.

It was my hubby's birthday over the weekend and he can’t not get a spot on the grid 🥰

The coaching, the healing, the programs, and everything my clients receive wouldn’t be possible without this guy. Because, 11 years ago when we met I was a mess. I constantly had panic attacks, was anxious, stressed, had little confidence, was healing from bulimia and in a soul-sucking corporate job - you were there by my side.

Boyd - You picked me up off the floor more times than I can count, you have supported, encouraged, motivated and been my rock during the ups and downs of life.

When I think about how much I can serve, support, and hold space for people - I’m super grateful to you for all that you are and all that you allow me to be.

The day you were born the earth was blessed with an incredible gift - your soul walking this earth this lifetime. Everyone’s lives you touch or that gets the honour of being in your presence is one lucky human.

Your Aeries heart is HUGE and you are the most patient, loving and heart-led human I know.
You are so deeply connected to yourself. Your dedication to your spiritual practices and your growth blows my mind. Your resilience and calm nature in times of challenges are something for anyone to aspire to.
A descendant of Buddha I am convinced. 😝

Despite us having a really tough end to last year and a rough start to this year, we have held each other powerfully and moved through so many challenges.

You are my soul mate and I love you more today than yesterday but less than tomorrow. Forever grateful for you and our love.

Happy 37th Lap around the sun you bloody legend.

Charlotte xx

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