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Clothes not fitting

Aug 24, 2021

Clothes not fitting... 😩 ⁣
Last week I had that moment again for the second time this year. I wore these shorts in August and they now don't fit. My inner critic piped up about the weight I’ve gained in the past 6 months. 'OMG you’ve gained weight'⁣
I realised how quick I am to catch her these days.⁣ ⁣
Yeah true. I have gained weight. That is ok. Weight gain is normal. It happens and that is ok.⁣⁣
Different outfit went on and off I went about my day.⁣
I did not give it a second thought. I didn’t beat myself up, I didn’t change what I ate, I didn’t exercise again or look for the newest weight-loss trend to ‘fix it’. I found something else that fit and I certainly DID NOT let this moment stop me from enjoying my day. ⁣
Falling in love with myself, not letting the size or shape of my body or that voice stop me from living is my biggest win in the past 4 years.⁣⁣

If you’ve gained weight over Xmas and you beat yourself up about how your body looks.⁣⁣
Your worth is not measured by the size of your shorts or how your body looks⁣
Don't let that inner critic stop you from living.⁣
Go to the beach. ⁣
Have fun⁣
Be kind today.⁣⁣
Say something kind to yourself.⁣⁣
Be compassionate⁣⁣
And love yourself a little bit.⁣⁣
You deserve it ⁣

Tell me 1 thing you're struggling to love with your body? 💓😘

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