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Death + Rebirth

Jun 17, 2022

I’ve shared bits and pieces on what the past 2 months has brought to me.

It has been challenging, dark and the universe has provided lots of opportunities which have required me to lean deeply into my own work + my spiritual practices.

Childhood trauma, a questioning of my purpose and mission, do I need or really want to live this nomadic life we have committed to and how badly? I’ve questioned my relationships, friendships and even my marriage hit rough patches. I was faced with a mental health crisis of someone very very dear to me.

It all became a bit too much, I fell apart, cried so many tears as I shed the layers, I leaned deeply on my coaches, healers and support crew.

As I’m now out of the other side of this initiation. I've realised, I’ve placed my identity on things in 3d over what my soul craves and what it really came here for.

I’ve never felt FULLY safe in my body until now (This hit hard)

I’ve been too “busy” and my joy has been squished.

I’ve lost my spark and fun for life the past 2 months.

I’ve given my energy to things that no longer serve me.

I've shed layers and versions of me that I no longer need this lifetime. Pulled courage out of my arse (literally 😝) when surrendering.

I’ve been triggered over and over again which was uncomfortable AF.

My biggest lesson which I hope supports you…I’ve spent the past 36 years not 'fully existing' because I don’t believe I’m worthy or deserving of sharing my soul gifts

I've faced the darkness to step fully into the light.

I now feel free. Freer than I have ever felt.

Where are you believing your head over your heart?
Where have you lost joy for life?
Where are your fears driving your life over allowing your soul to lead the way?

You came here for a reason.
Your soul came here at this time.
You came here to fully exist to fully shine and to live a life more joyful, more free and more aligned than you can even imagine is possible for you. It’s time for you to start FULLY living that life.

Doors to the Aligned Life workshop are open, sharing all my tools, the spiritual woo and how living an aligned life is possible for you too. Sign Up Here

Charlotte xx

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