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Dreaded going on holidays

Aug 16, 2021

⁣⁣I used to dread going on holiday 😬👙
Yep... dread. Excitement of course was thrown in there but clouded with this shadow ⁣⁣
The pre-holiday diet would last for weeks⁣⁣
Restriction of food groups⁣⁣
Depriving myself of anything I liked or enjoyed⁣⁣
Over-exercising…. ⁣⁣
Pushing myself so hard to get that ‘bikini body’⁣⁣
I would try diet after diet⁣⁣
Weighing myself daily ⁣⁣
In the end, I wasn’t happy⁣⁣
I lost some weight BUT⁣⁣
My anxiety was the worse⁣⁣
I was so so self-critical ⁣⁣
My thoughts raced⁣⁣
I dreaded it with every fibre of my being⁣⁣
It was never enough⁣⁣
I hadn't done enough⁣⁣
And as a result ⁣⁣
I was so unhappy ⁣⁣
The thought of not being able to control my exercise or my food whilst away used to make me spiral even further ⁣⁣
I’d end up binge eating and sabotaging myself the entire trip ⁣⁣
Feeling guilty for eating and drinking and not exercising enough ⁣⁣
Then criticising myself over and over again
I'd start again when I got home, or Monday or January 1st 🤦‍♀️ ⁣⁣
I was scared people would look at my body and judge it⁣⁣
People would stare at me ⁣⁣
Criticise me ⁣⁣
What would they think? ⁣⁣
Healing my relationship with myself - healed more than I ever imagined.⁣⁣
Loving myself has been the greatest gift. ⁣⁣
I’m on holiday this week..⁣⁣
Exercise and food have been the least most important thing about the trip so far. In turn, I’m moving, exercising and eating with freedom.⁣⁣
Without guilt, restriction or punishment. ⁣⁣
My happiness is the most important thing. ⁣⁣
As is yours, now and always ⁣⁣
If you are thinking about summer and feel that dread of going to the beach.⁣⁣
The anxiety of getting in that bikini⁣⁣
Covering up with shorts and avoiding the beach
Please gorgeous know - your thoughts and feelings about yourself and your body are what really matters. ⁣⁣
Not what your body looks like. ⁣⁣
Don’t let those thoughts stop you from living this amazing life. ⁣⁣
You can enjoy your holiday and not have this shadow over you. ⁣⁣
You are worthy⁣⁣
Your body is amazing just the way it is
You are and always have been enough 💓

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