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Giving less shits

Jun 16, 2021

This was my word vomit, mid-pilates the other day... 🙊💩⁣🤮

I had to stop and write it down. ⁣

Seriously... giving less shits what people think about you, enables you to LIVE YOUR LIFE FULLY.⁣

Ask yourself this -⁣

If I didn't care what people thought about me what would I do?⁣

If I literally started to give less shits how full could my life become?⁣

Would you go and try the new class? ⁣
Wear the bikini? ⁣
Speak up in a meeting? ⁣
Ask the guy out? ⁣
Join the dating App?⁣
Post the picture?

If you are holding yourself back because you worry what other people think of you, now is the time to change that! ⁣

If you alter your behaviour and how you show up in LIFE, now is the time to change that.⁣

What other people think of you is none of your business⁣ 💕🙌

You can⁣
EMBRACE who you are, EMBRACE what you have achieved, EMBRACE your body, Embrace all of YOU.⁣


I only give a shit 💩 what a very very select few people think, they are MY PEOPLE. I seek guidance, advice, support from these people. ⁣

Everyone else... 0 shits given!💩⁣

Now go do that thing you've been holding off on.⁣

Start Living.⁣

Enjoy else just freaking love the poo emoji 💩 it is so cute and funny? ⁣

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