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How can you be yourself⁣?

Aug 06, 2021

How can you be yourself?⁣ 😳

I don't mean a watered-down version that you THINK people want to see (like the bali vodka🤣) I mean your TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF - Full Strength?⁣

A client asked me this the other day... ⁣

First of all, this always tugs at the empath in me, knowing so many people walk through life not sharing their true authentic selves. I see it over and over again, especially online 🤔.⁣

It reminds me though that this used to be me. 😔

I didn't use to show up as ALL of me. Sure I gave people a version, work people, friends, online, family all a little different. I was too afraid people would judge me and wouldn't like ALL of me. It was exhausting.⁣

I've learned so many lessons throughout the years but in truth, I only really stepped into the online world as all of me in the past year. All the quirks, funnies, stupid shit I say and do, showing my body, my opinions, thoughts, feelings and my deep spiritual practices.

If you want to show up as ALL of you and be your TRUE AUTHENTIC self, here is how I did it - ⁣

💕Accept that not every-one will like you + you won't like everyone, and that is ok! ⁣

🌌There may always be people who will judge you - their judgement is a reflection of them and not a reflection of you⁣

🌌Drop the perfectionism - nothing in life is perfect and that is OK!

💕Accept and own all your facets; every quirk, weirdness, unique element of you. Every lump, bump, dimple - once you do, you no longer care what people think of you.⁣

and finally⁣

😊 Have the most impeccable Mindset and Love for yourself 💕⁣

Please know lovely, the only thing that really matters is what YOU think of you!

Tell me, what are you really afraid to do/say because you worry people will judge? ⬇️⬇️⁣

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