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I cancelled a program

Sep 19, 2022
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I cancelled a program

I had a membership, I loved it, the people inside got incredible value & I showed up coaching them every month.

It lit me up giving back in such a heartfelt way.
It was deeply supportive with thousands of dollars worth of content.
It made me a nice consistent income
I really enjoyed it
It was heartfelt
The community of women were beautiful
It felt aligned
Then it didn’t.

I received a message from my guides during a meditation that I needed to close it.
I resisted. Ignored it & instead second-guessed myself. I went up to my head. Questioned why I would even think of letting go of a program that made a couple of thousand $$ a month and all my old money beliefs came up.
Then it pulled at my heart… I didn’t want to let the incredible women inside down. They were so supported by it.

I had to really connect to myself.
Really listen to the message, the doubts & fears
Then I had to trust deeply and I made the decision to close it

It was scary
But afterwards, I felt lighter. More expansive.

The next week miraculously I attracted 2 VIP high-ticket incredible clients.
Then… opportunities came, I attracted more soul mate clients into my other programs. I had more space for creation and could finally launch my podcast.

I’ve realised that the time of staying in your head as a powerful incredible business owner is old. It’s outdated. It’s exhausting.
It’s no longer what I’m available for in my business or life.

Trust Yourself
Follow your gut
Get into alignment and what’s available on the other side is Infinite abundance.
A path more fulfilling than you could ever imagine.
Being of service and giving back in an even bigger way.


Charlotte x

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