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Dec 29, 2020

Would you put pancakes in the bad food category?✖⁣⁣🤔
There was no way I would have eaten pancakes on my diet, let alone with peanut butter AND honey on them! The SUGAR OMG.⁣⁣
They were bad foods, restricted and controlled in grams and teaspoons or only allowed on CHEAT days. Which, then resulted in me overeating them, beating myself up, exercising to ‘burn them off’ feeling guilty and crappy about myself - RINSE And REPEAT.⁣⁣
I was exhausted. Living my life and enjoying moments according to someones rules (ahem… bullshit diet rules)⁣⁣
Finding freedom around food, LISTENING to my body, Loving it, without ANY restrictions allowed me to LIVE MY LIFE. ⁣⁣
If you are stuck in the diet cycle, feeling like food is good/bad, cheats and treats and you feel out of control if you go off your ‘plan’ or ‘diet’. ⁣⁣
There is a way out! ⁣⁣
You can find freedom around food, learn to love yourself, STOP beating yourself up, feeling guilty for what/when and how much you eat.⁣⁣
Swipe for this epic recipe 😋⁣⁣
Where do you know you need to stop following the rules so strictly and start living your life?

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