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Saying NO is HARD

Aug 24, 2021

NO... 😂 It isn’t ⁣⁣
This week I said No I couldn’t see a friend⁣⁣
I said No I couldn’t cook this week ⁣⁣
I said No to a new client⁣⁣
I rescheduled my entire day of clients⁣⁣
I took the day off on the busiest day in my business⁣⁣ and said No to anything that wasn't self-care
Because I didn’t want to give my clients, my friend or my partner the scraps of me.⁣⁣
If you feel depleted, you are stressed, overthinking and you snap at loved ones, you feel exhausted. When was the last time you said no?

I know you care so deeply for others but swipe right ➡️
No is your friend.⁣⁣
Give others the BEST of you⁣⁣
Not what is left of you⁣⁣
5 Things we cover in more detail in Soul Warrior - ⁣⁣
-When you say Yes to others you say No to yourself ⁣⁣
- Saying No is a superpower and it is not selfish⁣⁣
- Creating boundaries and looking after you gets to be FUN⁣⁣
- You learn to fill your CUP then give MORE from the overflow⁣⁣
- You can have more energy saying NO. Pssstt... so so much more⁣⁣ energy

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