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The Depths

Dec 14, 2022
Thumbnail - The Depths


The past 2 months have really sent me deeper into my healing journey.

I’m not going to sugarcoat the shit & spout some high-vibe bull crap at you, you know me, truth bombs incoming… I’ve struggled.

This Mars Retrograde, October's Trauma has certainly been a huge contraction, reflection, introspection & death phase for me.

Last week I was feeling so lost, unsure and emotional. I had 0 energy or motivation, I felt so tired that I could sleep for weeks & I just didn’t want to do anything. You feel me?

I caught myself in these moments being mean to myself. This transported me back 12 year, to how I used to speak to myself DAILY. Judgement!

Some old beliefs that I’ve worked on surfaced again & brought up some deep childhood trauma.

I want to be really honest that these past few weeks have been painful.

My old patterning was to distract; food, alcohol, busyness & social media. Instead, I retreated I cancelled every single thing in my diary that was non-essential, I didn’t arrange any social events and for the rest of the year, I stopped all bookings in my business. (gulp… this was a tough choice & took so much for me to do)

I then cancelled my birthday celebrations. (Yep! Cancelled any & all celebrations)

I just wanted time & space to work through this. To allow the healing.

I created badass boundaries, preserved my energy, said NO, listened to my body & my inner guidance and spent my birthday day by myself. Immersed in nature and holding myself in love.

I cried (a lot), meditated and honoured myself & my body.

I didn’t need to do more, I needed to hold myself.

I’m often still brought to my knees on this journey. Called into the work on that next level.

Three words I'm learning on a new level - Compassion, Love and Surrender.

We are continually provided with layers to peel back.
I know this is paving the way for all that is coming in 2023.

If you’ve been feeling the depths, I'm right here with you.
Remember whatever you’re going through is temporary.

You’re stronger than you know
Bring compassion to the pain and discomfort.
Love all parts of yourself.
And remember, you’ve got this.

Charlotte xx

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