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You are enough lovely

Aug 16, 2021

Yes you,👉
Please know this.💓

I know you don't always feel like it. That negative voice inside your head is playing on repeat telling you all the things you haven't done and aren't good 'enough' at. ⁣⁣That you need to work harder, lose weight, earn more money, have a relationship.
If you are criticising yourself telling yourself that -
I'm not good enough⁣⁣
Doing enough⁣⁣
Pretty enough⁣⁣
Skinny enough⁣⁣
Smart enough ⁣⁣
Kind enough ⁣⁣
You've picked up those beliefs from society, the media, ex's, parents, friends, bosses. Their opinion is not yours and it is not true. ⁣⁣💓
Please know. ⁣⁣
Deep within your heart and soul. ⁣⁣
You are and always have been enough. ⁣⁣
No matter what you 'do'⁣⁣
Your enoughness never alters ⁣⁣
It never has and never will

You are enough lovely
It's time for you to start believing it now 💓
Sending you so much love ⁣⁣
Charlotte xx⁣⁣

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