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You can change your thoughts

Sep 13, 2021

💩 Let Shit Go 💩⁣⁣
Do you replay situations over and over in your head?⁣⁣
What you said, what you didn't say, what they said, what you did, you shouldn't have said that you shouldn't have done that. ⁣

What will people think about you?⁣⁣
It feels exhausting, doesn't it?⁣
The past is in the past.⁣
No amount of thoughts can change it.⁣⁣
But... you can change your thoughts.⁣⁣
You can let the past go, change the way you think and live life in the present moment.⁣⁣
1 thing I teach during Soul Warrior is a powerful letting go ritual. How to release the energetic ties to the past. Stop the mind racing and let go of ANYTHING which isn't serving you so you are FREE to live life in the present moment.⁣⁣
How long are you spending replaying situations of the past over and over and over in your head?⁣⁣
It's exhausting, right?⁣

But it doesn't need to be.⁣⁣
You can be FREE ⁣and at peace.
Feel calmer and more relaxed. ⁣
Stop those racing thoughts overwhelming you.

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